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Efektifitas penerapan startegi pembelajaran elaborasi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X SMA negeri 5 kupang pada materi pokok bentuk pangkat dan akar
The EFFECTIVENESS of the APPLICATION of LEARNING to IMPROVE RESULTS of ELABORATION of LEARNING MATHEMATICS GRADE X SMA NEGERI 5 KUPANG on SUBJECT MATTER FORMS the RANK and the ROOTSrnof the SCHOOL YEAR 2013/2014rnABSTRACTrnMathematics is one of the subjects in the system needs to train the students ' reasoning. Mathematics is one of the subjects taught at the school in hopes of becoming a vehicle for students to think critically, logically and creatively. This can be achieved if the lesson process can involve students actively develop intellectual potential students. In addition to mathematics is the science that is very important and can be used in all areas.rnMost of the teachers are still using old methods of teaching so that students are less active.To overcome learning difficulties of students and to improve learning achievements need to be considered that concrete efforts from a teacher, one is how a teacher can make innovations in learning, by choosing a good method and using learning methods vary according to the characteristics of the material to be conveyed, so it will be able to motivate student learning.rnIn its learning strategy, requires teaching one is learning, elaboration with strategy elaboration students in expect to be more active in compare teacher. Basically teaching strategy is a trick or techniques used in conducting teacher- interaction with students at learning progress.rnThe type of research used in this research is the research action class, this research was carried out in 2 cycle and each cycle comprising planning, implementation measures, observation and reflection. In the study, researchers collected data using a sheet of observation, test, question form, and interviews.rnAnalysis of indicators of the effectiveness of learning mathematics with application of elaboration of learning results obtained as follows: the ability of teachers manage instruction entered on both categories namely 3.58, Incoming student's activities on both categories namely 3.46 , Student response to positive learning 82.25% , Settled study results reached 86,66%.rnFrom the results of the above analysis, learning effectiveness indicators showed positive results, then the study categorized effectively.
01/13/KIP | Unika Widya MAndira | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Tidak di pinjamkan |
Informasi Detil
Judul Seri |
No. Panggil |
MAT Par e
Penerbit | FKIP UNWIRA : Kupang., 2013 |
Deskripsi Fisik |
xii, 69 p.: bibl.; 29 cm
Bahasa |
Klasifikasi |
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Tipe Pembawa |
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