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ABSTRACTrnThis study is entitled A Descriptive Study of Compound Words of LiornLanguage Spoken by People in Wolotopo Village. It is intended to uncover therncompound words of Lio Language. It aims to answer the questions (1) what are therncompound words that can be identified in Lio Language and (2) what are the wordrnclass of the compound words in Lio Language spoken by people in Wolotopornvillage. The objective of the study is to identify the compound words of LiornLanguage and also to describe and explain the word class of the compound wordsrnof Lio Language. The result of the study is useful for both the academic world andrnpractical life of the society, especially the native speakers of Lio Language. Torninspire the study, a number of previous related studies were reviewed. To easilyrnunderstand, direct, and limit the discussion of the study, a number of basic conceptsrnwere defined. To analyze the data, the theory of morphology was applied. Thernstudy was conducted in Wolotopo Village in Ndona District of Ende Regency, EastrnNusa Tenggara Province. It is a qualitative study. The data were obtained throughrnelicitation, interview, and note taking. For this reason, a number of sentences werernprepared in a written form. The data obtained were analyzed thorough steps ofrnselection, listing, translation, and interpretation of the formal linguistic meaning.rnThe result of the analysis shows that there are unique morphemes that formrncompound words of Lio Language which mean ‘very’, for example the word metarnnggera which means ‘very green’, gaga rata which means ‘very good’. There arernalso compound words that are formed semantically for example the word perarnmulu which means ‘oldest’ formed by words pera means ‘show’ and word mulurnmeans ‘first before other’, and also has the compound word based on the form ofrnthe things for example the word buku tu which means ‘knee’ formed by word bukurnis ‘knee’ and the word tu is ‘the kind of fruit’ that has same form with human kneernand there are has the compound words that compounded from two words which hasrnsame meaning like ndu dheko which means ‘follow’. Lio Language allows severalrntypes of combinations of different word classes (N: noun, Adj: adjective, V: verb),rnbut not all combinations are possible. There are eight combination of word class ofrncompound words in Lio Language: N + N, N + Adj, N + V, Adj + Adj, Adj + N,rnAdj + V, V + V, and V + N. The compound words of Lio Language also haverncombination of Wh question with cardinal number, conjunction and prepositionrnthat formed new compound words of Wh question for example in word sa aparn‘how much and how many’, ngere emba ‘how’ and leka emba ‘where’. Based onrnthe finding the suggestions are offered to other researchers to do researches relatedrnto compound words of Lio Language and the governments to prepare fund for localrnlanguage researches. The result might become the scientific reason of including thernlocal language in a book like a journal so that it can be read by the local people orrnnative speakers and others who are interested in Lio Language.rnKey Words: Lio Language, compound word,


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ENG Wal d 13
Penerbit FKIP UNIKA Widya Mandira : Kupang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xi, 69 p.: bibl.; 29 cm
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